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An up-sell is where you encourage a customer to buy a more expensive item. A cross-sell is to show related CPU Processor Intel-Core I5 540m G1/Rpga988a Socket Quad-Thread Ghz 35W SLBPG SLBTV or accessories. These techniques boost perceived value to the customer. The moment customers are offered bundles or related products, it the actual shopping experience more convenient. That saves them time looking for these items and even suggesting tasks they may not have thought of....Check Discount
Customer reviews:
Date: 21 Dec 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Работает! Thanks!
Date: 29 Oct 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
процессор приехал чистый, без термопасты, в блистере. по краям кристаллов - небольшие потёртости. на sony vaio vpceb с mbx224 с последним биосом бустится до 273 на четыре потока и до 20 на один поток. необходимо включить поддержку c3/c6 в биос, иначе буст на один поток будет ограничен множителем 21. если при включении c3/c6 ноутбук начинает противно попискивать, скачайте throttlestop и поиграйтесь с параметрами энергосбережения процессора.
Date: 10 Apr 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Entrega muito rápida! Em 10 dias chegou em São Paulo. Produto como descrito. Recomendo +++
Date: 16 Jan 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
thanks to SZCPU Store for CPU Processor Intel-Core I5 540m G1/Rpga988a Socket Quad-Thread Ghz 35W SLBPG SLBTV
Date: 06 Nov 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
thanks to SZCPU Store for CPU Processor Intel-Core I5 540m G1/Rpga988a Socket Quad-Thread Ghz 35W SLBPG SLBTV
Date: 11 Mar 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
thanks to SZCPU Store for CPU Processor Intel-Core I5 540m G1/Rpga988a Socket Quad-Thread Ghz 35W SLBPG SLBTV
AliExpress Shopper
Date: 31 Dec 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
thanks to SZCPU Store for CPU Processor Intel-Core I5 540m G1/Rpga988a Socket Quad-Thread Ghz 35W SLBPG SLBTV